Karen O'Hara - RAD RTS, ISTD DDE


Summer Dance Camps 2024

Summer Dance Camps 2024

from €65.00

We will be hosting a couple of options of dance mini-camps from Tuesday 6th to Friday 9th August 2024.

Students will get the opportunity to learn Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre and Arts & Crafts with Karen & guest teachers. 

Summer Mini-Camps available for 3-5yrs and 6-9yrs Tuesday 6th to Friday 9th August in the main hall of St. Andrews Parish Centre, Church Road, Malahide.

For more info on times & dates see info below the dropdown menu.

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Age 3-5yrs:

Summer Mini-Camp Age 3-5yrs - Tues 6th & Wed 7th August - 9:30am to 12noon (2x day camp €65) - st. andrews parish centre

Summer Mini-Camp Age 3-5yrs - Thurs 8th & Fri 9th August - 9:30am to 12noon (2x day camp €65) - st. andrews parish centre

Age 6-9yrs:

Summer Mini-Camp Age 6-9yrs - Tues 6th & Wed 7th August - 1pm to 4:30pm (2x day camp €95) - st. andrews parish centre

Our summer mini-camps will be filled with lots of fun and dancing. Students will have the opportunity to learn ballet, jazz, hip hop, arts & crafts and more with Karen and guest teachers.

NOTE: Depending on number of participants. In order for the camps to go ahead we need a minimum of 8 people to sign up for each one.